Comment garder un sourire parfait pendant le traitement Invisalign: Conseils du Dr. Nata Petliouk

Invisalign est une technologie qui utilise des aligneurs en plastique transparent pour redresser les dents. Il est fait de plastique de qualité médicale, et c'est sans danger pour votre émail. Invisalign est une alternative moderne aux appareils métalliques et peut être utilisé pour traiter une grande variété de problèmes dentaires.

Invisalign is a practical choice for people who want to straighten their teeth but don’t want to wear traditional braces. Tooth repositioning with Invisalign aligners is accomplished by a slight, constant pressure on the teeth programmed into each custom-made aligner. You will need to wear each aligner for about 14 days before moving on to the next one in the series.

The aligners are nearly invisible. That makes them less noticeable than classic braces. Invisalign aligners are also removable, pour que vous puissiez les sortir confortablement pour manger et vous brosser les dents.

“Invisalign is a perfect individual 3D system that allows predictable treatment and shows the final results before starting the treatment process.”

Dr. Nata Petliouk

Fondateur de Smile Design Center, Gold Invisalign Provider

Si vous envisagez de recevoir des traitements Invisalign pour redresser vos dents, vous vous demandez peut-être comment vous pouvez garder votre sourire blanc et frais pendant le processus. Alors que les traitements Invisalign sont beaucoup plus discrets que les appareils traditionnels, les gouttières sont faites d'un matériau plastique transparent qui peut jaunir avec le temps s'il n'est pas correctement entretenu.

Il est essentiel de pratiquer de bonnes habitudes d'hygiène bucco-dentaire pour garder un sourire parfait pendant les traitements Invisalign. Ensemble avec Dr. Nata Petliouk, un fournisseur Invisalign certifié et un dentiste primé, nous avons rassemblé quelques conseils pour garder vos dents blanches pendant les traitements Invisalign.

Numéro de pourboire 1: Plus d'eau, Moins de sucre

Drinking water is one of the best things you can do for your teeth, and it is especially important when you are wearing aligners. Drinking water helps rinse away food particles and bacteria that can cause cavities and tooth decay. It is also crucial to avoid sugary drinks, as the sugar can stick to your teeth and cause discoloration.

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Pro tip:

“Do not drink colorful drinks when aligners are on your teeth. Remove the aligners and then drink anything you want.”

Numéro de pourboire 2: No Smoking With Aligners On

Smoking is one of the most harmful things you can do to your aligners. The nicotine in cigarettes, cigars, and chewing tobacco can cause your teeth to yellow and stain. If you smoke while wearing aligners, the aligners will absorb the nicotine and turn yellow as well. To keep aligners and teeth looking their best, it is best to avoid smoking altogether. If you must smoke, make sure to remove your aligners first.

Numéro de pourboire 3: Floss at Least Once a Day

Flossing is just as important as brushing your teeth. Flossing helps to remove food particles and plaque from between your teeth, which your toothbrush cannot reach. Aligners can also trap food particles and plaque, so be sure to floss around your aligners as well.

Numéro de pourboire 4: Rinse Your Mouth With Water After Eating

Rinsing your mouth with water after eating will help to remove food particles and bacteria from your teeth. Rinsing will also help to keep your aligners clean.

Pro tip:

“Chew sugarless gum after meals. It will help remove food particles from your teeth and help keep your aligners clean.”

Numéro de pourboire 5:Clean Your Aligners Regularly

It is important to clean your aligners regularly to prevent them from staining. You can clean your aligners with a toothbrush and toothpaste or use a special aligner cleaning kit.

Pro tip:

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“Use Invisalign cleaning crystals every night to keep your aligners clean and bacteria-free.”

Numéro de pourboire 6: Use Teeth Whitening Products Sparingly

Teeth whitening products can cause extreme tooth sensitivity. If you use them while wearing aligners, the aligners will absorb the bleaching agent and may become discolored. Use teeth whitening products sparingly, and be sure to follow the instructions on the package.

Numéro de pourboire 7: Wear Your Aligners as Much as Possible

Wearing your aligners for 20-22 hours a day is essential for the success of your Invisalign treatments. The more you wear your aligners, the faster your teeth will straighten. Wearing your aligners also helps to keep your smile looking its best.

Pro tip:

“Remove aligners only when eating, brushing, and flossing your teeth.”

To Sum Up

Invisalign is a great way to achieve a beautiful, white smile without using metal braces. To keep your teeth looking their best during treatments, it is important to practice good oral hygiene habits and clean your aligners regularly. Following these tips will help you keep your teeth white and healthy during Invisalign treatments.

If you are considering Invisalign treatments, be sure to schedule a consultation with a qualified dentist provider. Your dentist will examine your teeth and discuss your treatment options during your consultation. Ils répondront également à toutes vos questions sur Invisalign et sur la façon de garder vos dents sous leur meilleur jour pendant les traitements..

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